Get Focused MasterClass


  • ā€‹The TWO invisible forces that are helping you win or lose at work … and how to use them to secure the right job … even your dream job
  • ā€‹The FOUR questions you must answer to achieve clarity about your Sweet Spot of work and life … so that you can reject everything outside that zone
  • ā€‹Appreciating the need to accept your adaptive self and authentic self … with this approach … you won’t need to “fit-in” or play office politics
  • How to figure out what the Right Fit is for you … so that you don’t have to accept jobs that are boring, frustrating or simply soul destroying!
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Achieve Clarity

Step-by-step guidance to discover what you love, are good at, get rewarded and make an impact.

The Right Fit

How to figure out what is the right job fit for you so that you can achieve success and satisfaction.

Focused Pursuit

Set S.M.A.R.T Goals and pursue the job you really want, combining the power of your conscious and unconscious mind.

What you will get:


1. VIDEO: How to achieve a strong mindset for your job search

2. VIDEO: How to achieve clarity in the chaos

3. VIDEO: How to get focused and achieve your goals

4. PDF: The ownership checklist

5. PDF: 30 Journalling Prompts to Achieve Clarity

6. PDF: Job Fit Description

7. PDF: SMART Goals Table 

8. PDF: Daily Action Success Plan

9. PDF: Get Focused eBook (48 pages)

10. ASSESSMENT: Personality Assessment


Journal to clarity


  • 30 questions to achieve a high level of mindfulness about work, the past and the future
  • Unlock the power of your mind through focused, guided reflections about yourself
  • Journaling is a bridge that connects the mind and body and helps access your wisdom

We put in 100 hours of research, carefully selecting the best questions for you so that you can get the great results in far less time.

Right Job Fit


  • Step-by-step guidance to take the discovery from Journaling and developing a framework to guide future decisions
  • Be prepared for essential conversations with recruiters and employers about "what do you want"?
  • Qualify out of job opportunities that don't fit what you want ... so you can focus on what matters to you.

Discover your Sweet Spot


  • Capture your thoughts about your expertise, energy, reward and impact you desire
  • Use the "Value Inventory" exercise to figure out what matters most to you
  • Determine your Five Pillar Values across the Five Life Zones
  • Achieve clarity and confidence about your priorities and preferences

Get Focused eBook 


You know yourself best, so you must be clear about your right job fit. Where can you be successful, happy, rewarded and make a difference? To find the right fit, invest in these factors:

Ownership: take control of the need to change and reach out for what you want

Clarity: engage in a process of reflection, self-discovery and assessment to know and understand yourself

Focus: get focused on the right fit, remove distractions and set goals about what you want from your next job in terms of role, culture, compensation and growth opportunity

The result: you switch from confusion to clarity and focus on the right fit.


Your Guide, Pree Sarkar

  • #1 Bestselling Author, Amazon for Job Hunting and Careers
  • Rated Top 1% Recruiter by LinkedIn
  • Worked with 1000+ employer job briefs and 10,000+ candidates (career plans, resumes, interviews etc)
  • 10 years in Fortune 500 corporates rising up to Senior Leadership Team
  • Lost my dream jobs after 9/11 and GFC crisis, survived, reinvented career 3 times and thrived (bit of a specialty!)
  • Dad to 3 kids – 9, 13 and 16 and Husband to his high school sweetheart

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Switch Course


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Market tested activities, workbooks, and exercises

Contemporary Content
Learn from executive recruiters involved in interviews and hiring right now

Expert Trainer
Learn with Amazon #1 Author for Job Hunting and Linked Top 1% Recruiter, Pree Sarkar

$750 value for just $197

(Limited time offer)


+ Get Focused MasterClass (value $500)

+ Journaling Prompts (value $50)

+ Sweet Spot Journal (value $100)

+ Right job Fit Guide (value $50)

+ Get Focused eBook (value $50)

+ Personality Assessment (Bonus)

All videos and resources are available instantly in digital/PDF upon purchase.

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“The Switch Method Program helped me secure two management job offers, in a very competitive market."

Lesley, Director Services

“The Switch Method helped me to go from zero interviews in eight weeks ... to TWO job offers!”

Rijo, Project Delivery Manager

“I got my dream job with Tesla … I applied everything I learnt in the Switch Method … and it worked!”

Jonathan, Support Advisor

“Because of the Switch Team, I found my value, my confidence and the right job at a very difficult time.”

Joel, Account Manager

Created by Amazon #1 Best Selling Author and Top 1% LinkedIn Recruiter, Pree Sarkar