Greater diversity, Gender Equality, Better together.
You want to find the best candidate for the role, but ...
You know that the female candidate pool is smaller
In our experience we find that male candidates apply for a role when they are at least a 60% fit. Female candidates will apply if they are a 90% fit. Add this to the existing gender imbalance in the workforce and we have serious shortages in the workplace.
You aren't sure what's the best way to find them
You aren't sure you should put up an ad, call a few people you know or try to approach people yourself. It takes time to build a network and keep tabs on everyone in the industry, so you might not have people you know well and can approach easily.
You don't have enough time to do it yourself
You have a job to do and competing priorities. Recruitment can be a time consuming process especially when you are search for a needle in a haystack. You could invest a lot of time and still get nowhere. Your focus and energy is better spent elsewhere.
The latest data in Workplace Gender Equality
87% of Companies have Diversity as a key value but less than 33% manage to the metric
Men out-earn women by $25,670 on average each year
40% of employers took no action to reduce the pay gap
There is a glass ceiling at the top with only 17.1% of CEOs and 26.8% of Board Directors being female
Source: The Australian Workplace Gender Equality Agency
The Switch Method
Our 4 step success plan to improve gender diversity and build winning teams.
Right Fit
The most important factor affecting long term success in a role is Fit. This includes Culture, Job, Managerial and Financial Fit. We seek to understand the right fit and then focus on finding the right candidates for our clients.
Employer Brand
We communicate the employer value proposition authentically and persuasively. The better the 'mutual value proposition' between employer and employee, the longer and more successful the relationship will be.
Target Profile
Our industry expertise developed over 10 years helps us to match roles to candidates and vice versa. 25,000+ candidates in our database and network, gives us a strategic advantage over in-house or generalist recruiters.
Engaged Influence
We seek to understand what people really want from their next role. We match their interests to our clients and this enables a genuine partnership between Candidate, Recruiter and Client to explore the best outcome.
Awards and Industry Recognition
Associated with and Featured in ...
Quality candidates presented within 5-10 days of client brief
Lead consultant: Tia MacDonald
No stranger to a challenge, Tia MacDonald has earned a reputation with colleagues and clients of persevering in the face of an uphill climb and reaching the summit. Whether its a Tough Mudder run or a challenging search assignment, she does not give up until the brief is met and both client and candidate are satisfied. Contact us below to speak with Tia.
Our mission is to make a positive difference in people's lives, everyday.
No child should live in poverty. Worldwide, 385 million children live in extreme poverty. Poverty robs children of their basic rights to learn, play and grow. In its ugliest form, poverty can lead to exploitation, child labour and even death. It's unacceptable.
That's why we sponsor 21 children across the planet and provide food, medication, clothing and education through our partnership with Watoto and Compassion Australia.